Manuals and practice guidelines
Find manuals, practice guidelines and operational protocols for providers and Equipment and Modification Services (EMS) assessors.
On this page
Manuals for providers and EMS assessors
The manuals for each of these services provide guidelines for funding support for equipment and modifications for disabled people who are eligible to access these services.
Housing modifications
Vehicle purchase and modifications
- Vehicle purchase and modifications manual (DOC 1.5 MB)
- Vehicle purchase and modifications manual (PDF 1.2 MB)
Prioritisation Guideline and Priority One rating form
For information on the Prioritisation Guideline, Priority One rating form, and questions and answers related to the Prioritisation Guideline and 18 March EMS changes.
Practice guidelines
DSS requires active engagement between Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) organisations, Equipment Management Services (EMS) Assessors and EMS Providers when considering complex or high-cost housing modifications and/or personal care equipment, or when an EMS solution is recommended to assist in managing challenging behavioural needs.
Download the practice guidelines:
- Practice Guideline: Interface Between Needs Assessment and Service Coordination and Equipment and Modification Service Assessors and Providers – September 2015 (DOC 333 KB)
- Practice Guideline: Interface Between Needs Assessment and Service Coordination and Equipment and Modification Service Assessors and Providers – September 2015 (PDF 617 KB)
- Appendix One: EMS and NASC Joint Report Form (DOC 361 KB)
Other documents:
- Management of Housing Modifications and Behavioural Support Requirements (PDF 338 KB)
- EMS for people with challenging behaviour - Addendum to Practice Guideline (PDF 323 KB).
EMS for people with challenging behaviour
The process when assessing for and recommending EMS solutions to support people with challenging behaviour is detailed in the amended Practice Guideline, 2015.
Where an EMS Assessor identifies a solution that will reduce any potential harm and minimise long-term risk and where that solution is not used as a restraint, there is now an abbreviated pathway where the EMS Assessor can make an advice request for that EMS solution.
Where the person's identified behavioural need may result in restricting their access and/or freedom of movement and the EMS Assessor has identified an EMS solution that is a restraint the EMS Assessor must advise NASC of the identified need and the likely solution before continuing with the EMS assessment and advice request.
Please note that any EMS Assessor submitting service requests for people with challenging behaviour must have read and understood the Health and Disability Services (Restraint Minimisation and Safe Practice) Standards NZS8134.2:2021.
Ministry of Education and Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People protocols and funding
Therapy and Assistive Technology/Equipment Operational Protocols
The Therapy and Assistive Technology/Equipment Operational Protocols outline funding responsibilities between agencies and the roles and responsibilities of service provision for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech language therapists when providing assistive technology/equipment for children and young people with disabilities.
The Therapy and Assistive Technology/Equipment Operational Protocols consist of:
- Part 1: Memorandum of Understanding – which demonstrates joint Ministry leadership and shared commitment to working together and continuing to provide quality services
- Part 2: Operational Guideline – details the principles and expectations of the services including their respective roles and responsibilities of each agency
- Part 3: Local Level Agreement Template – outlines how health and education services will work together to deliver quality services at the local level (eg, district level), including how people will work together, who the key players are and what is required of each party
- Part 4: Glossary, FAQs, Asset Transfer Protocol 2006 and References.
The benefits of the Operational Protocols for children and young people and their family and whanau include:
- timeliness when receiving therapy and/or assistive technology/equipment services
- streamlined access to effective services
- service continuity, particularly during the decision-making process
- quality services that adhere to best practice.
Download the operational protocols:
Equipment/Assistive Technology joint funding form and information sheet
Requests for joint funding by the Ministry of Education and Whaikaha for high cost ($5000 including GST or more) assistive technology/equipment will be considered when the equipment solution helps the student/ākonga live as safely and independently as possible, and improves their access to their learning curriculum, removing barriers to educational achievement.
The Joint funding form and Information sheet have been updated (March 2022) and are available for use from 31 May 2022. These documents will provide clarity for Ministry of Education Assessors and Equipment and Modification Services EMS Assessors in terms of the essential documentation required and the process required to make a joint funding application.
Download the funding form or information sheet: